Christ-Centered Daycare - Because moms deserve a break!
There is no Junior Holy Spirit! We strive to see kids of all ages encounter God and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
We want to see our youth take ownership of their faith! We do this by teaching them their identity in Christ as well as equipping them to use their faith outside the walls of the church.
Women of Hope exists to encourage and give women tools to reach their God given potential and be transformed into likeness of Christ.
New Hope Young Adults exists to help you find your God-given purpose and reach your God Given potential.
We won't do life alone. The best way to get connected here at New Hope is through one of our groups!
His Presence is our Highest Priority. We long to be the kind of worshipper the Father is seeking: those who worship in Spirit and truth.
Go On A Missions Trip With Us And Become The Hands And Feet Of God As We Help Share His Love To People Around The World.